Company Limited

Tailored to your Needs

About Us Contacts

 About Us

Diami company Limited,is a company created to provide dedicated services in cleaning services,Gardening services,Landscaping Services and Information Technology services(ICT). All at Affordable price where by quality is what drive us.

We work for government institutions, private institutions and individual owners.You plan the work, we work your plan

  Quality Service Assurance

Over the years the business has gone from strength to strength and has acquired a reputation to service excellence, speedy turnaround times and huge volume capacity.

We have the most modern facilities which increases our capacity and efficiency border to accommodate a growing client base and offer an even wider range of services than before....!

 Our Key Values

 To be innovative


 To honour our promises

 To demonstrate professional behaviour in every task we engage


For any concern you can contact us at any time....!

Diami Company Limited
Sisimba Street,
Mbeya, Tanzania.
 +255 768 663 614
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