Gardening & Landscaping Service

To plant a Garden

Is to believe in Tomorrow



Diami Company Limited is dedicated to change your sorroundings the way you want under your agreements we can provide all kinds of gardens.

Unleveled land areas are excavated and levelling is done to make it look even more clear and attractive


We can’t live without plants. If there are no plants on our planet, we can’t breathe or eat. Plants even filter out pollution that would be killing us now.

Plants are the source of life for us. It’s important that we understand that when making decisions for our future.

Plants and flowers should be well maintained and properly arranged, We do it at maximum Quality and cleanness to insure the best looking

 Flower Gardens

 Open Space Gardens

 Residential Gardens



For any concern you can contact us at any time....!

Diami Company Limited
Sisimba Street,
Mbeya, Tanzania.
 +255 768 663 614
Write to Us